Deep listening, fast visualization

Live illustration (Copy)

Visual thinking services based in Barcelona and active everywhere! English, Spanish, Italian and Catalan

Servicios de visual thinking, de Barcelona al mundo. Disponible en Inglés, Español, Italiano y Catalan


It has many names: visual thinking, visual summaries, scribing, graphic recording, sketchnoting… I personally like the term “graphic harvest”, as it describes what I do: I pick the best parts off a presentation or a conversation on stage or in a workshop, and I represent it immediately with words, images and colours.

it can be done on a tiny notebook, or on a massive wall. It will be live and it will be the result of all of my neurons working together at full speed and my capacity for attention and listening.

The impact will remain alive: in the report, newsletters, social media, and presentations. Handmade visual summaries will go a long way: they inspire, they engage, and they help you communicate your messages across in a friendly and impactful way.

And there is more: it can be done ON PAPER, ON TABLET (and projected on the big screen) and REMOTELY, meaning, I am at home and will connect with your event digitally, saving CO2 and money.