Barcelona City Council Climate Change Workshop
After organizing a super fun Escape Room on climate change for around 30 sustainability managers in the Barcelona city council, we had a wonderful speaker talking about communication for social change.
Barcelona, 2017
Barcelona City Council Climate Change Workshop
After organizing a super fun Escape Room on climate change for around 30 sustainability managers in the Barcelona city council, we had a wonderful speaker talking about communication for social change.
Barcelona, 2017

European Microfinance Network 2017
In the stunning island of San Servolo, just in front of San Marco Square in Venice, a 2-day gathering of Microfinance entities spread across Europe.
It´s the second year they call me and again this year I got extremely inspired by so many individuals and organizations committed to make a change and help the so called "unbankables".

Procurement Summit 2017
This is just the welcome wall...I won´t be able to post the rest of the harvesting, although I loved the final result! But it´s private content.

Leadership workshop 2017
I wish I could post more of the graphics I created for this 2-day training...but they contain private information.

Leadership Workshop 2017
Participants created a collective quote as part of their leadership/team building activities, and recorded it on video. And I recorded it on paper.

Leadership workshop with Kanvio, 2017
Once again, I must say 2017 was my lucky year as I got to meet and work with an incredible team of facilitators based near Girona, Cataluña, Spain.
Kanvio is a 4-people team who did a grand job at designing a leadership workshop/training for maybe 50 participants from a large multinational. The event was beautifully set in the Catalan countryside, and I hope you can notice from my mural how excited and inspired I got during this event.
Here a detail from the whole mural.

Leadership workshop with Kanvio, 2017
Once again, I must say 2017 was my lucky year as I got to meet and work with an incredible team of facilitators based near Girona, Cataluña, Spain.
Kanvio is a 4-people team who did a grand job at designing a leadership workshop/training for maybe 50 participants from a large multinational. The event was beautifully set in the Catalan countryside, and I hope you can notice from my mural how excited and inspired I got during this event.

Leadership workshop with Kanvio, 2017
Once again, I must say 2017 was my lucky year as I got to meet and work with an incredible team of facilitators based near Girona, Cataluña, Spain.
Kanvio is a 4-people team who did a grand job at designing a leadership workshop/training for maybe 50 participants from a large multinational. The event was beautifully set in the Catalan countryside, and I hope you can notice from my mural how excited and inspired I got during this event.

Harvesting a design thinking workshop
A one day design thinking workshop supporting a team of amazing facilitators for a chemical multinational in Barcelona, 2016.

Harvesting a design thinking workshop

Switchmed Connect conference in 2016

Switchmed Connect conference in 2016
Switchmed Connect conference in 2016

New Generation Internet Conference 2017
Organized by Martel Innovate
Capture on PlayEdo! Super fun!

New Generation Internet Conference 2017
Organized by Martel Innovate
Captured on PlayEdo blocks, super fun!

One of my first gigs back in 2013

Learning everything about supply chains and tech - my big 2017 topic

Sustainability vision for a large textile company 2017
I co-designed and co-facilitated the workshop with another facilitator. It went effortlessly well, considering it was for 70 people overall. We all had a blast, I came out of it flying on a cloud.

Detail of sustainability vision for a large textile company 2017
In this part we had designed an exercise to be done first individually, on a solo walk, where they had to try "feel in the shoes" of those other beings that are touched and impacted - mostly in a negative way - by their textile supply chain.
However, as it was a visioning exercise, the idea was to imagine the best possible future for each one of these being, and to write it down on a similar template I had created in advance.
What you see is the collective harvesting of what came up during the solo walk/reflection. Definitely a great exercise to reconnect not only to humans that we never look at in the eyes - factory workers, or even suppliers - but also to Nature itself.

Arawana Hayashi´s workshop - Social Presencing Theater 2017
Worth checking out Arawana Hayashi´s website to discover what she´s great at doing.

Arawana Hayashi´s workshop - Social Presencing Theater 2017
Organized by Emana
Captured on black cardboard and using only chalks!
I have been invited to participate and harvest a 2-day mind blowing workshop led by Arawana Hayashi, a big name in Social Presencing Theater. I would never imagine that I could actually participate to many of the exercises, and what you see here is a detail of the larger canvas, which was probably 10 meters long.
Definitely one of my best memories of 2017.
Leadership Workshop 2017
Organized by David Valls at www.vision3r.com
David Valls is a great facilitator who invited me to support him during a one day leadership workshop, where a small group of high executives of a well known multinational were asked to review their history and to look toward the future.
Leadership Workshop 2017
Organized by David Valls at www.vision3r.com
David Valls is a great facilitator who invited me to support him during a one day leadership workshop, where a small group of high executives of a well known multinational were asked to review their history and to look toward the future.

Visual Thinking workshop at Switchmed Connect 2016
I had the opportunity to start 50 Switchers - namely sustainability entrepreneurs living in the Mediterranean - to think of their business in visuals, with the objective to be able to better communicate their story to potential investors.
So they came, I taught them basic drawing skills and how to filter content and simplify. It was a 2-hour workshop and it went well, although I would recommend less participants.

Visual Thinking workshop at Switchmed Connect 2016
I had the opportunity to start 50 Switchers - namely sustainability entrepreneur living in the Mediterranean - to think of their business in visuals, with the objective to be able to better communicate their story to potential investors.
So they came, I taught them basic drawing skills and how to filter content and simplify. It was a 2-hour workshop and it went well, although I would recommend less participants.

Visual Thinking workshop at Switchmed Connect 2016
I had the opportunity to start 50 Switchers - namely sustainability entrepreneurs living in the Mediterranean - to think of their business in visuals, with the objective to be able to better communicate their story to potential investors.
So they came, I taught them basic drawing skills and how to filter content and simplify. It was a 2-hour workshop and it went well, although I would recommend less participants.