Remote work and rich pictures
I can also work from home.
If you want to present your strategy in a single image, or introduce your company to new potential clients in a quick, visual and fun way, I can translate a simple Word document in a colorful, beautiful, rich picture.
If you are going to be present at a trade-show with your company stand and would like to communicate faster and more effectively, why don´t you ask me to create postcards or roll-ups?
You are throwing an in-house, but not compulsory, workshop for your employees. Have you tried with something different than an email? I can draw the invitation for you and help you with the “calling”.
You will be presenting at a conference. You will use Powerpoint. But this year you don´t want to copy paste images from the WWW. Call me and I can help you spice your presentation up, maybe with a little humour.
Once I even translated a Phd thesis in an image. It. Took. Time. And the new Doctor was very satisfied.